Friday, May 13, 2011


Today will remain a historical landmark in the history of my existence. In less than an hour I will make my way to Indianapolis to depart for Washington, DC.

This summer I'll be working for the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, and although I am incredibly intimidated, I remain excited for the possibility of continued self-exploration.

For the first time in my life, I will reside in a place outside of Indiana for an extended period. While many know my self-sufficient and independent attitude have taken me far, I must admit feelings of trepidation cloud my mind as I write this. I have little knowledge of working for a face-paced/8-5/corporate America position that requires a certain level of ferocity I question exists in my soul. Additionally, as much as this place bores me, it is home and what I'm used to.

While I push the students I work with to step outside of their comfort zones, I have the most difficult time accepting this sentiment for myself. It adds stress I usually avoid and overall intimidates me. However, I'm ready to be challenged in exploring more of my sexual identity in this process and as a result feel just as much liberated as scared.

DC is a beautiful place and I imagine I will continue to write about spots in the area that mean something to me. I can tell you right now that the Roosevelt Monument is my favorite at present. Somewhat of a hidden gem, this place uses water as a focal point to tell a story, a story I find relevant to any American's life in some capacity.

My journey is only beginning, and regardless the unknown, I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to explore. Stay tuned for updates on my DC adventures.

Will there be love? Heartbreak? Intrigue? Morality? ...WHO KNOWS!


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