Thursday, June 9, 2011

DC Redefined

It has been almost 4 weeks since I arrived here. Today the weather was disgusting...100 degrees and humid. Currently, I am sitting on the roof of my CEO's condo asking how I got to this place. While I hesitate to gush for fear of being overly dramatic, I will say this experience is interesting.

I without a doubt love the job I am doing. The time and effort needed to make this organization run as effectively as it does shows in the work ethics of the small staff it employs. Additionally, I've been offered a tentative opportunity to return to the chamber upon completion of my degree next May. While daunting, and too real, I'm afraid this could be the right place for me.

Right now I'm looking off into the distance. A storm is brewing and the city lights are shining. The things running through my, electric bills, how much I miss the familiar, but how my apprehension to explore forces me to look past the known into the unknown. It is simply beautiful and compliments my personality better than Indiana (at least at present moment).

I've met some really great people while I've been here. I've talked to an elderly Korean man who provided wisdom about health and life, a sweet British woman lost and looking for the metro, which I walked her to, and so many others that continue to redefine why I'm here. I'm not here to work for a gay cause (I mean I am that too, but there is more to this puzzle). I'm here to challenge myself to think outside the box.

I become motivated to explore the creation of a business plan. A plan that I truly feel may have sincere potential considering the job market, the organizational outreach, and my own belief in something.

While I still have yet to find a DC love, I'm enjoying the process. I've met more guys in the four weeks I've been here than I ever did in DC. That is more opportunity for me to grow relationally. I'm excited for that opportunity as time goes on.

DC is treating me well (it is harassing the shit out of my wallet though), but I don't care because in the end I know things will work out and everything will be okay.

Cheers to the amazing time I'm having!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear DC is treating you well, my friend.
