Friday, February 20, 2009


Alright are all getting an unofficial look at what is going to be changing my life come Monday.  

Friday morning around 1:30 AM I received a secretive phone call saying that there was an amazing opportunity being offered to me.  I was sleeping during the ring, but heard my message tone go off and decided to wake up and listen.  I don't usually get calls at night so I thought something might be wrong.  After listening to the message, I returned the call to a young woman who called me to find that I was suggested as a prime candidate to run in the Student Government Association at BSU.  I was given a deadline of 5PM today to decide if I would accept the nomination that is still hidden under wraps till Monday morning at 9 AM.  In the next week I will be campaigning with a fantastic set of student leaders as "Cardinal Coalition." Competing against two other strong slates with amazing candidates that I consider friends, I have my work cut out for me.  To be 1 of 4 individuals who serve as the face of Ball State is a sincere honor, and being considered is amazing in itself.  Not only is this a time commitment with huge benefits, but also this position insures a solid networking connection with many important individuals, one being the president of the university.  

There is a lot to this process and as I begin the journey I will be posting some interesting press articles and media coverage.  This is quite possibly the biggest thing to ever happen in my life, and I want to share it with the few that read these post.  I will post links to our campaign site as well as offer stories from the front line.  I'm sincerely thrilled for the opportunity, nervous for the outcome, and scared of myself.  This will truly be a time for growth in my journey to become a better leader as well as prepare me for future endeavors. 

On another exciting note, I was informed today that I will be the "Special Events Chairman"  for Ball State's Homecoming Steering Committee 2009.  One of my favorite things at Ball State has now become even better as I am in charge of planning the entire event next fall.  I start next Sunday and couldn't be more thrilled. 

Lots of great things going on....hope I can find time to sleep.

P.S. I'm working right now and I am so BORED!! LOL

Have a great week everyone.