Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lets put it this way

Definitions are never finite. Happiness is what you make of it. Arguments are healthy when executed correctly. Fighting is never the answer.

It is time to take control and responsiblity for our actions.

Live the life that you have imagined. (Thanks bud)

I'm genuinely happy and don't know why. I have sad days, I have tired days, but I know one thing:

When the sun shines and the tender rays caress my face I feel more at peace with myself. It is a feeling I hope everyone finds. A calm serenity envelopes my soul and for a split second I feel nothing but the sheer satisfaction of living. Breathing in life....

I encourage the few who read my post to consider letting it go....whatever "it" may be. At the end of the day what matters most?

For me my family, my friends, and my future are what matter most. I'm letting go of the past, going to live in the present, and enjoy encourtering the road ahead.

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