Sunday, March 29, 2009

Favorite Things...

I recently started feeling better and decided it would be nice to a make a list of the things I love.  
I'm to lazy to actually write them out here but I did make one.  I realized through doing this that my list should either be bigger or contain things that are not so superficial.  Then I thought, "they make me happy though so why should it matter?"  I can't really say whether this was a good activity or not, but I will write some of my favorites.  

The look on a man's face while holding a baby 
The little girls you dance with at weddings 
Falling into bed and floating through a dream 
Looking into the eyes of someone you love 
Laughing uncontrollably over the most idiotic things 

These just don't happen everyday and I wish they did.  This year is ending in a little over a month now and I can't believe it.  I'm going to be a senior already....crazy feeling.  I'm in a mood right now in which I cannot pin point, but oh well I say.  I'm going to make dinner watch a movie and cuddle on my myself.  It's okay though...I'm banking on the fact that someday there will be somebody there with me. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bla Bla Bla...Potatoes

I shock myself when illness creeps into my life.  I shut down and become an entirely different person.  Four people in the past hour have said I look like shit (which is to be expected) but instead of saying, "I hope you feel better" they all comment on how I need to turn back into myself.   It is incredibly funny to me.  I don't know.  I have little to say about my life right now other than I am bored, sick, and lonely at work.  Sorry for this wasted space because I honestly had no point to make. 

I made mashed potatoes last night for dinner...they were not that stellar but still home made which is always nice.  GOD I LOVE FOOD!! LOL.  

Yellow is still my favorite color and one of my favorite things to do is record myself dancing or dance to Empty Apartment with my soul mates....good times.  


Alright peace out

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I have never seen anything more beautiful!  It was at the moment I took these that I realized how amazing our world is. 
Take a minute to breathe today and feel weightless.  It is quite the gratifying feeling!  

Monday, March 9, 2009

It is when I watch true love stories that my mind begins to question who I really am.  I feel in constant struggle  with my emotional well being and it pains me to say it, but I always feel so alone after movies like "The Notebook."  

I watched that movie tonight and for the first time I saw its true beauty.  I never really took liking to the film when it was first released but now after watching it I feel so bitterly sad about my future, yet so full of love I could burst.  

A single tear ran down my face in the ending scene.  When I watched the movie years ago a single tear ran down my face at the end of the movie.  I think I have loved numerous times, but I have never felt the kind of connection I felt with this film tonight.  I want so badly to find someone and I'm starting to second guess myself on a lot of things. 

I don't know who I am suppose to be with and it drives me nuts.  I know I have the ability to love somebody whole heartedly, but I also know that I will have to work extremely hard because I am stubborn, selfish, egotistical, and immature at times.  

Rachel McAdams is timeless to me and the relationship she has with Ryan in the film is spectacular.  I'm jealous I'll admit, but is it possible for two men to love each other the way they do.  I have never seen any relationship in my time last a life time other than my grandparents.  When the two pass in the end of the movie I'm confronted with the realization that soon my grandparents will pass.  

Today in about 9 hours my grandpa is having kidney surgery.  He has cancerous cells on the only kidney he has left and the doctors are not sure what they are going to find.  I'm concerned that something could go wrong, or that this may be the beginning of the end.  I just can't imagine my grandmother being alone without him.  I don't know what is going to happen, but I know one thing for sure.  They have loved each other their entire lives.  

I too hope I can find someone who completes the wholeness that Rachel's character spoke of, but until then I need to find a way to feel more confident in myself.  I hate heart break for anyone...when my friends ache so do I.  

This blog makes little sense other than the fact that I want to fall in love and be happy.  I wonder how long I will have to wait...or if I really am meant to be alone.   That was a completely cop out comment, but I feel it right now.  

I'm not upset or mad currently, but I am sad.   I shouldn't be because their are so many great things going well in my life right now.  I'm grateful for sure but anxious to figure out what happens next in my story...

stay tuned...