Thursday, December 18, 2008

Off You

I keep falling for love but I can't seem to follow it through.-duke My emotions with him are hot and cold. I don't know what I'm feeling. 

Currently, I know that I would be comfortable with him. Just to sit next to him at night on the couch and watch T.V. feels right. His presence is something I crave, yet his jokes are starting to affect the way I feel about him. Weight jokes get old after so long...I like who I am and although I could be more physically healthy, I don't need him to point it out. 

I threw a punch his way today with some hurtful words that I can't even believe came out of my mouth. The words got to him and the rest of our day was a little off. For the first time, I wasn't everything he thought I was, or that is how I perceived the situation. 

Maybe the ideal of him is what I crave rather than actually having it. In theory I already have him.....I spend more time with him then any of my other friends. I might be in the "storming" stage right now though. I'm almost getting annoyed with him...make up your mind already man!! 

Maybe I have just convinced myself I've been in love when really I've been wrong all along.-clay

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